Jul 12, 2006

Finally Some 100% Finished Objects!

It's about time. I really seem to burn right through projects, knitting like crazy then binding off and forgetting about them. I suppose I should be happy with myself that I at least finish the knitting part. I just need to get into a new frame of mind and remind myself that "finishing" is just that- completing the project entirely. Anyway, a few are finished now and my Kool-Aid dyed hat is just about to come flying off the needles, and I promise to weave in the ends right away. Hats are easy anyway, only 2 little strands to worry about...Photos to come soon, soon.


Anonymous said...

I like what you’ve done with your Blog! Those status bars are really cool. I can’t wait to see your kool aid hat up here. I don’t know if it’s the black background, but the pictures you have look so vibrant.

klutzy91 said...

Hiya! Found my way over from your kool aid post on Craftster. I love the colors. I also wanted to tell you that I made a hat with a similar shape as BenH's. You know, the bucket one? I used the "dude, where's my hat" pattern from the Yarn Girls' Guide to beyond basics or something like that. It might save you some time. Anyways, come over & visit. You might get lucky and see something new......keyword:**mighT**

Sarah W. said...

Where can I get me some statue bars??

Sarah W. said...

I mean "status."